Duck-Rabbit Baltic Porter is “proudly made in small batches” by The Duck-Rabbit Craft Brewery in Farmville, North Carolina.
It pours a very dark brown, almost black and the tan head dissipates rather quickly. Any lacing that you might get is short lived and minimal at best.
On first sip, you notice the strong malt flavors along with some black licorice and some sort of fruits, maybe figs or prunes. The carbonation level is fairly light. The flavor profile changes as it warms up a bit lessening the bite of the fruit tastes, giving way to a more mellow and smooth malty flavor with a little bit of prune and nut tossed in.
It’s a very easy to drink beer and it goes down smooth. You can sense the 9% alcohol at the end of the sip along with a malty aftertaste with a little tobacco mixed in.
The label identifies the brewery as being “The Dark Beer Specialist.” It’s a pretty big claim but these guys walk the talk. If you come across this beer, don’t hesitate to give it a try.