Sion BeerI came across Sion Beer at a local festival in South Florida. The beer booth had the usual macros on tap plus one beer that I had never heard of. Sion by Brauhaus, from Cologne, Germany. Figuring that it couldn't be any worse than the other taps of yellow fizzy water, I gave it a shot. It was a gamble that paid off.

The cup I was handed had very little head. The beer had a golden color and didn't give off much of a smell.

I immediately noticed that this beer has a medium body with a crisp, slightly hoppy taste and a medium carbonation level.

My wife's initial comment was that she thought that it was "similar to Bud but with something extra, more body, more umpfh."

I tried to do a little research on this beer to see if there was some sort of an interesting story behind it but their website was completely in German. Since Hogan's Heroes is no longer in syndication like it used to be, my chances of learning enough German to pass something along to you are pretty slim so you're on your own.

I did learn that it packs 5% alcohol but this is an easy drinking beer so there is no discernable alcohol taste or feeling. This is definitely a sessionable beer that would be great for the beach, a party, a ball game or any other venue where a red Solo cup could be found. This is one I'd buy again if I came across it again.